our story

It all started with a bar of soap.

Several years ago, Heidi had her own small soap making business and sold her soaps at the Bridgeport Farmers Market. Courtney, being a farmers market junkie herself, soon found herself under Heidi’s tent. She bought a bar and a new friendship was formed. Courtney invited Heidi to a Small Business Saturday event at her massage studio and Heidi booked a massage….

Six years later, Heidi and Courtney started seriously chatting about yoga – their favorite books, poses, struggles with their own practices, and the things they loved about practicing in a yoga studio. It wasn’t long before they had crazy dreams dancing in their heads about opening their own studio. It soon became a daily occurrence of sending each other ideas for a future space that they decided to take the leap…and That Yoga Studio was born.

That Yoga Studio's founders